By Rens I was up 31.5 million. Now I don't mean to brag dear readers, or say that I am more blessed by Bod than others because he prefers my cakes to what ever it is the others they call their sacrifices. But I think it's obvious what Bob prefers, don't you? Needless to say readers, by Jita my account balance skyrocketed to just under 110 million isk. Over 100 million in isk. The nanofibers were my big winner on this trip (netting me about 70 million alone), but I must say the T2 and faction drones that I found just floating lost and alone while looking for other capsulteers in w-space helped my totals considerable also. Plus I cannot stand to see the poor defenseless drones left alone and scared to suffer what ever fate awaits them because their former owners couldn't take care of them. Honestly readers, the local shelters are packed with abandoned or unwanted drones. You should adopt some, sometimes capsulteers invest in expensive breeds of these wonderful pets and then just leave them without a care to fend for themselves out in the vast oceans of space. Its a crime, really it is. No wonder there are some many packs of feral drones wondering w-space making it unsafe.
Well now readers, I am a lazy seller when it comes to the market. I know I could maybe increase my returns by at lest another quarter, but I just don't waste my time with sell orders. It doesn't appeal to me. Trader PvPers you win against me, it is almost unfair. I know I should follow my favorite Kilrathi saying and "fight back, there is no honor in slaughter!" But meh, The most I do is I set up a small spreadsheet that tracks my loot and the highest buy orders and quantities in the hubs and plan a run to Jita, stopping off here or there along the way. If my sheet says something will sell higher there I stop and off load it, so I had an idea that I would come close to 100 million isk this trip.

All I am saying is dear readers is that Bob watches out for the soloist it seems, and he keeps us flying. Fly safe or fly dangerous... just don't forget that I fly scared.
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