Well dear readers, I'm calling it a win.
I replaced and slightly upgraded my Hound-dog and Bandersnatch! And readers, I still have 2.5m isk left over, that is a surplus not a deficit. In my books that is a solid win. So I shall not hang my head and mope. Bandersnatch is back and flying again, a bit slower now and I admittedly have had to reset my radio presets, seat height and other adjustment; but that is all incidental, My fuzzy dice are gone, and I am not sure how to rectify that without blood, but still it wasn't a total loss, I have that new ship smell again. I am also still down the ammo and MTU and Mobile Depot but those are incidentals also and would have eventually been lost to me anyway, so they don't count. And besides readers, what good is a Noctis if all it does is sit in my hanger because I am using my salvage drones and MTU all the time to cleanup as I go? Sure in w-space fast and quick is the way to go, and I really don't want to risk an asset like my Hoover, at least not until I have a corporation or group of like-minded individuals to help protect it.
So, that is that readers. I won hurrah for me.
And now a public service announcement for the NESPCD
Capsulteers, remember to get your drones spay and neutered. It is easy and inexpensive and will help to cut down on an epidemic scaled out breaks of rogue drone hives and feral drone packs. Not only are these a health and safety hazard they often result in the slaughter of many innocent and potentially rehabilitate drones. Your corporate agents and Concord aren't to be blamed for sending capsulteers to slaughter colonies and hives of these machines, originally the ones to blame are you, the capsulteers who lost a drone here or there carelessly warping away without recalling or bm'ing the location so you could return and pick them back up. Your poor lost drones wander without purpose or directing, eventually falling in with a "bad crowd," getting graffittied up to look more street and then going to some cut rate drone hacker to have its subroutines rerouted to numb the pain of your betrayal. They find another feral drone and get her replicating and suddenly you have new a hive forming, and none of this would have happened if you had been a responsible drone owner and had your drones spay or neutered before hand. A spay or neutered drone cannot cause or produce replications.
Paid for by the New Eden Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Drones.
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