And if we die, before the battles through,
Tell your mom, tell your dad...
We were SUPER RAD!
I've been off line a few days. So I was shocked with the change... seemingly out of the blue, since I rarely read the Dev Blogs. But after a few hours of crying and feeling betrayed, curled up in the fetal position at the bottom of the shower, I guess I have to accept it and move on.
So my thoughts on the change:
-1: I can't fit my previous tank. Even with Downgrade from t2 to named :(
-1: I have to fit an active tank. (There goes cap stability.) :(
-1: Cap Boosters TAKE UP TOO MUCH CARGO SPACE!Less room for loots. :(
-1: Wasted High Slot. NOTHING will fit in that slot now.
-1: Longer shield recharge means, I need to use more boosts and lower cap suffers.
0: No real loss to DPS even though I lost two turrets.
That's a -5 to my Svipul's coolness factor. :,(
I'm not sure I see any up sides on this. Now I do notice on the forums a lot of people complain that the Svipul is OP. I'm not quite sure I see it. SURE some fits are powerful and give a T1 Cruiser with a T2 fit a run for their money, BUT if you as me that is the point of T3. It needs to be a step above T2, and most T2 out perform the T1 version and even challenge the next size class higher... (HAC vs BC, 5:1 odd on the HAC every time.) So WHY shouldn't a T3 Destroyer be able to challenge a T1 Cruiser in tank and DPS? Don't get me wrong, pilot skills and fitting play a bit role, but a specialized hull like a T2 is meant to do its role better than a T1 hull. That's why you don't combat fit a Cheetah, or fit a Wolf for scanning. T3s are meant to be versatile, and powerful. They are meant to give the lone ship out there in the black something to be looking over their shoulder for.
Mainly though I'm just sad that I've lost some of the Pownmobile's street cred with this nerf. Now punks in Cruisers are gonna thing that stand a chance.
An Agony in Fits: The tragic tails from the other side of the looking glass of an Eve Online "noobie" exploration pilot. Wspace is scary in a good way.
Dead in the Waters... Of W SPACE!
I've lost a high slot and 2 turrets, I've lost power grid (98MW down to 74MW) and CPU (269 tf to 256 tf). At this very moment I'm nearly crippled in w space!!! My tank is down I barely have guns online, this wasn't NERFING IT WAS A LOBOTOMY!
I need to find an exit. I need to get back to empire and refit. At this point I need to figure out what to do with my life since my whole fitting philosophy has been completely turned upside down... This is worst than that time your girl friend left me for my personal trainer and said that I should get checked for STD's. She knows I'm allergic to penicillin! Oh by the way you should be careful of her, we used to date you know... and get yourself checked out.
I feel like I'm losing my new best friend... :(
I've lost a high slot and 2 turrets, I've lost power grid (98MW down to 74MW) and CPU (269 tf to 256 tf). At this very moment I'm nearly crippled in w space!!! My tank is down I barely have guns online, this wasn't NERFING IT WAS A LOBOTOMY!
I need to find an exit. I need to get back to empire and refit. At this point I need to figure out what to do with my life since my whole fitting philosophy has been completely turned upside down... This is worst than that time your girl friend left me for my personal trainer and said that I should get checked for STD's. She knows I'm allergic to penicillin! Oh by the way you should be careful of her, we used to date you know... and get yourself checked out.
I feel like I'm losing my new best friend... :(
Snark Hunting
Damage Control II
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Limited 1MN Microwarpdrive I
Medium Shield Extender II
Medium Shield Extender II
Faint Epsilon Warp Scrambler I
200mm AutoCannon II
200mm AutoCannon II
200mm AutoCannon II
Expanded Probe Launcher II
200mm AutoCannon II
200mm AutoCannon II
200mm AutoCannon II
Small Core Defense Field Extender II
Small Core Defense Field Extender II
Small Core Defense Field Extender II
Republic Fleet EMP S x10000
Republic Fleet Fusion S x10000
Republic Fleet Phased Plasma S x10000
Sister's Combat Scanner Probe x8
Sisters Core Scanner Probes x8
Nanite Repair Paste x100
250mm Light Artillery Cannon II x6
Data Analyzer II
Relic Analyzer II
Expanded Cargohold II x4
Mobile Tractor Unit (Snarksukka)
Mobile Depot (Billiard-Marker)
Salvager II x3
Small Ancillary Armor Repairer
Small Hull Repairer I
Small Secure Container x6
So readers, first I want to apologize. My last post was sort of dark. I was angry, scared... and well lets face it, who isn't a little grumpy when they wake up in the morning. I mean really.
But my plan remains. I'm leaving k space again, but this time without a corp. I don't know if it's me, or others, but I don't think I am made for dealing with, or depending, on others. New Eden is a strange and dangerous place, I applaud anyone that can make it here. It is never easy, nor is it something that many can do alone. I barely make enough to cover my losses. Often less.
But sitting in a fleet for 2 hours waiting to get organized enough to run a site, or go on a roam, isn't for me. I'm happy to sit in my PI interface moving things around but that only lasts so long, but I really need a crew that can at the drop of a hat, (or at least on short notice) be ready to go have fun for a half hour or two, and then go back to their own things. I'm willing to do the same. But honestly everything corp takes so long. AND don't get me started on corp leadership, I mean, seriously. I have a job already, I don't want another one... and one that pays considerably less and results in being the one that gets blamed for everything wrong and taken advantage of when people need something, and ... I think I've may have gone far enough there. In my last corp I sunk over a billion into in 3 months, and I was a director, I didn't eve want the job.I never saw the profits from my participation because it went to POS fuel and replacement of corp losses. Who pays the corp members went the hauler full of blue loot gets ganked? You guessed it, they don't care that they loot was stolen or blown up, they just want their cut. Well I'm done with it. If I ever find another corp to fly with, my requirements are: NO RESPONSIBILITIES. NO ROLES. NO WALLET ACCESS! Sorry I'm not gonna corp thief, but I'm not gonna do any thing that warrants actually be any thing other than a grunt. I'll run ops, man up for offense and defense, even pay tax, but leave me out of the job side of it.
Does this make me a bad person? Does my lack of Social or Corporate responsibility mean I am of little value? No, I just don't want to be the one taking the shit anymore... and I know it can go both ways so I don't want that either.
I guess readers, this is why I am striking out on my own. ME, against the unknown. No one to blame or take the blame for but myself. If I succeed I do on my own merits. If I fail that is on me too.
Wish me luck, or at least feel free to make suggestion on things I might have forgotten to include in my cargo hold. It is gonna be a long time before I come back up for air this time.
Asleep in the ice...
Some time ago... I'm not sure how long ago now, my corp came under fire from within. Blood and carnage ensued. My face was streaked with blood, grime, and my own hot salty tears.
I was left the lone survivor in our C4-C4. I had ships but the corp was crippled. I was alone and the carrion eaters began to circle. I had two POSes with almost no fuel left, 20 ships and about a billion in loot, floating almost completely unprotected. The coup had been executed clumsily, but most of the leadership had been rendered lost or comatose. The still sleep somewhere out there in the black taken unaware by their own Odin's sleep.
For days I desperately collected the corp resources dismantling the POSes and moving ships as I found exits to high sec. I slowly made my way out of the wormhole I had called home. But my evacuation was not without losses. On the first night as I tried to move a party of Raiders captured a hauler with nearly 400 million in loot in it. I had seen them coming and in my hast to save other assets the hauler was left outside my remaining POS's shields. It was a rookie mistake and I can only blame myself for the loss, the gun should have been online.
Eventually I escaped without further lose. Those the strain proved to much and I too slipped into the void of oblivion. Darkness and dreamless sleep. The black of the ice that encapsulated me was complete. I was nowhere, I was nothing.
In that nothingness I floated. Aware of nothing, feeling nothing. But in such an absolute change cannot be measured without awareness. I don't know how long I watched the grain of light grow before I realized it was there. I do not know how long the fire of my anger and hate smoldered before they began to burn again melting my icy prison. But yesterday I awoke amid screams of pain and anger.
I surveyed my surroundings. I was back. It was as if not time had passed for me though to universe had moved on. Rumors before were now fact. Threats had become more real.
I sold what remained of my old corp and began anew.
I have no plans for grandeur. I will delve into the shatter systems of w space and I will live there alone. Seeing how long this frontiers will let me survive.
I will take my Svipul "Snarkhunter" and search out a system. I will have a mobile depot some cans and just the modules and ammo I need to survive. When I find high sec exits I go out to resupply but for now I will turn my back on the known and on the safety of friends and POSes. I will live where others only dare venture for a few hours.
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