[Fit the First, Probe]
Limited 1MN Microwarpdrive I
Data Analyzer I
Relic Analyzer I
Cargo Scanner II
Relic Analyzer I
Cargo Scanner II
Co-Processor II
Co-Processor II
Small Armor Repairer II
Co-Processor II
Small Armor Repairer II
Small Gravity Capacitor Upgrade I
Small Gravity Capacitor Upgrade I
[empty rig slot]
3x Hobgoblin I, 3x Warrior I
I have little care for, or more accurately I have little knowledge of the good of Mercator's, North Poles, Equators, Tropics, Zones, and Meridian Lines. So I sail with a map I well understand, a complete and absolute blank.
A few weeks ago, four weeks and a day if you must pry, I discovered the art of exploration. 20 million sp seemed quiet enough to me, so I dove into Rabbit-Hole exploitation.
I scanned half the hour, many systems I searched, from hisec C2's are easily found. So down in that Rabbit-Hole I slipped, to take a quick look about. I'd not read a guide or wiki or some other source, I simple jump through on a whim, and found a small paradise, a scanner delight, I launched probes and sat 20 km the first planet I saw, though bookmark my out I did forget. As I scanned I had forgot to activate my cloak, a rookie mistake I admit. I sat just off the planet not bothering to orbit or fly and before I knew it a Tengu came by with blood in his eyes and I was locked and couldn't jumped away from my position. The frumious Tengu was faster than me and pop went my Probe before drones could engage. Spamming my jump button for the sun, my pod and I jumped safety away. Lost in that starry ocean, no knowing whither to go. I tried to d-scan down my exit... but in only my pod I'd that point was moot I had no idea how to get back now. I suppose I had one option, though I can honestly say since I've rarely had cause to use it, self destruction of my pod just never came to my thoughts, so on the sun I just waited... and back in a clone vat I was.
GF the Tengu did eve-mail, though trite as it was, I must say, I was never a threat after all, but whatever my losses were reasonably small, the venture was not a total loss.
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