Well you may throw your rock and hide your hand
Workin' in the dark against your fellow man
But as sure as Bob made black and white
What's done in the dark will be brought to the light
You can run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Sooner or later Bob'll cut you down
Sooner or later Bob'll cut you down
Go tell that long tongue liar
Go and tell that midnight rider
Tell the rambler, the gambler, the back biter
Tell 'em that Bob's gonna cut 'em down
Tell 'em that Bob's gonna cut 'em down

Readers, I am not proud of myself. I have no joy in this admission to you and know that you will sit in rapt horror and disgust of my actions. I ask you not to judge me for my sins. A few days ago as I flew a L4 in highsec another pilot jumped in and started to shoot my MTU. I know that this is common baiting. But I'd had enough, readers, so I convo'ed him and politely asked that he find someone else to annoy. This seemed not to have the desired affect, he blew up my MTU then stole my loot. Obviously he though that since he was flying a HAC and I was in a Hurricane that he could take me. I started for my wrecks that had not been pulled to the MTU... this was a feint, I admit. I could not hope to catch him with an AB and autocannon fit. He took my bait and rushed to the wreck that I was slowboating to, only 8km away. He suddenly understood his mistake, I had him in scram and web, my AB was now on and he couldn't get out of my guns range. He started firing, I did let him have the first shot, it felt like the sporting thing to do. I launched drones and lay into him with my AC. My tank not even broken, he was in his pod, and I locked him to finish him off... but I stayed my hand and let him warp off. I felt vindicated, dear readers. I jumped away and grabbed my Noctus and looted his ship and finished cleaning up my wrecks. I had only lost 10 million isk in loot and MTU, but he had lost 150 million. I am not proud of this, dear readers, I have looked into the depths of my soul and seen the beast that lurks there waiting to come out and destroy all.
Readers, if one of you are my victim, I apologize for my out burst, you should have known better, you should have known that you had no hope once I had locked on. You should have asked forgiveness and mercy rather than persisted, but that is the past and now we must live with our decisions. Again I apologize, that is not who I am, that is not who I want to be, please do not make me become that again, for I will reaper the frozen corpses from your twisted remains and sacrifice them to Bob should you push me again!
In other news readers I joined a small WH corp, and have move permanently into wspace. It is a small group and looking to grow, but I think we will find new and industrious ways to fail, so stay tuned. Things promise to become more interesting.